Why should Warwickshire become dementia friendly?
It is estimated that there are currently approximately 7,840 people in Warwickshire living with dementia. This number will rise to approximately 13,000 by 2035.
As numbers of people living with dementia are predicted to rise it is important that we take action now to support anyone affected by dementia to live well in their community. This is particularly important as two-thirds of people with dementia live in the community in their own home.
Alzheimer’s Society report ‘Building dementia-friendly communities: A priority for everyone’ (2013)
- 47% of people think that dementia-friendly areas would be nicer places for everyone to live
- 33% of people think that shops and local businesses would benefit in areas where people living with dementia were supported to be more involved in their local community
- 28% of people living with dementia said they weren’t confident to continue doing activities such as shopping, exercise and using transport, which in turn may reduce independence and lead to isolation.
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