Keeping to a regular routine might help a person feel more secure, but try not to restrict the person too much. Although some routine is necessary, a bit of flexibility will help to give you both a feeling of freedom.
As the symptoms of dementia progress, it is likely that the person with dementia will find it increasingly difficult to communicate. Find out more about communicating with the person you are caring for.
The person you care for may become less able to identify health problems, or tell you about symptoms they are experiencing. As a carer you will need to monitor the state of the health of the person you care for, and look out for signs which may indicate possible infection (e.g. confusion), pain or discomfort.
Practical help with eating, drinking and swallowing
Some people with dementia experience problems with eating and drinking. Due to problems with short term memory, people with dementia may need to be encouraged and reminded to eat and drink. People with dementia may also experience difficulties with chewing and swallowing as their condition progresses. This may affect how well they eat and drink. If the causes of chewing and swallowing problems are identified and acted upon, the risk of malnutrition can be reduced.
It is important to keep hydrated and have a healthy balanced diet. Read tips for food and eating.